These are times of change, sure, some changes have been more transcendent than others, as in prehistoric discovery of fire was one of the most important and which gave rise to the emergence of advanced technology, never thought of before by mankind.
In summary cybernetics is the science that deals with control systems and communication in people and machines, studying and using all its aspects and common mechanisms, for me the cybernetics can be very useful in fields such as medicine also with the realization of prosthesis so that each day becomes more dignified life for those who never thought of walking, or eating with their hands, on the other hand the realization of machines in turn brings many disputes as there are people who argue that the major beneficiaries of this are big business for a single machine could do the work of many men, and contribute to unemployment and poverty by means of observation have been able to make great advances in cybernetics, since it is only take a look at the nature and open there great role models of cybernetics. Developed cybernetics as research techniques by which information is transformed into the desired action. This science grew out of the problems raised during the Second World War when the so-called electronic brains develop and automatic control mechanisms for military equipment such as bomb sights. The aim of cybernetics is to allow organization of machines able to operate and split more accurately and faster than the living.